The first time I had sex Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

This is a true story of how I lost my virginity to a much younger girl and I had sex with her younger sister too just for a laugh.

This is not fictional or made up, this story is based on what happened when I was younger, based on fact, although for privacy I won’t use real names.

This story involves me when I was 19 years old and two sisters, Melanie age 14, and Emma age 10.

I was a bit of an introvert when I was younger, I preferred to just stay in my room away from everyone, I liked being alone, hardly ever went out, I didn’t even go to family events or anything like that, I suppose I was shy and I didn’t have any friends at all, just me in my room every day watching TV or playing around on the computer and that’s how I liked it.

I went out to the shop one afternoon to buy some cigarettes, I used to smoke a lot when I was younger, on my way to the shop I had to walk past the community centre, and my younger brother came running over to me with some of his mates, “Can you buy us some cider from shop?” he asked.

He was too young to be drinking but I said yes anyway, he and his friends gave me the money and I went to the shop and got a bottle for them, on my way back they were standing at the wall behind the community centre so I took it to them, “Here you go.”

As I turned around to leave there was a bench behind the back of the community centre and sitting on it was Melanie, she was sitting with a younger boy who had his hand down her pants, when she saw me she pulled the boys hand out of her pants, shoved him away a little and then looked and smiled at me.

I never had a girlfriend before and was still a virgin and very shy around girls, so I kind of just grinned and continued walking away and went home to my room, and jerked myself off thinking about what that boy was doing to her.

About an hour later my brother came home and up to my room, “Do you want to come and play out with us?” he asked.

“No. Why?” I asked, why would I want to play out with a bunch of kids, I was too old for that.

“Melanie wants to meet you.” He said.

“Who is Melanie?” I asked.

“One of my mates.” He replied.

“That blonde girl that was sitting on the bench behind community centre?” I Asked.

“Yeah, that’s her.” He said.

Wow, I thought, she actually wants to meet me, my heart started racing from feeling nervous and anxious, but she was a good looking girl, and I was just thinking about her, I bottled up my nerves and agreed to go out and ‘play’ with them.

He took me back to the community centre and Melanie was sitting on the bench alone, she sat up straight and smiled when she saw me, my brother pointed to her, “That’s her.” He said, I slowly walked over and sat down on the bench, “Hiya, I’m Melanie.” She said to me.

“Hi I’m John” I said.

We sat with a gap between us and nervously talked to each other about random shit I can’t even remember, then she asked me if I wanted to put my arm around her, so I shuffled up to her and put my arm around her, it felt nice, I’d never had my arm around a girl before, especially a beautiful one like her.

She wasn’t bothered that I was older than her and I wasn’t bothered that she was younger.

A younger girl came running over, “Mel, can I have my money I want to go get some sweets.” She asked.

Melanie took some change out of her pocket and handed it to her, then the girl ran off, “That’s Emma, my sister.” She said to me.

We mostly sat in silence just watching the other kids running and playing around, then she took my hand and put it underneath her top and straight on to her right breast, she had big breasts for her age, her breast was warm in my hand, soft and I could feel her hard nipple poking in to my palm, it was the first breast I ever felt in my life, I didn’t know what to do so I just froze.

After a few minutes she turned to me, “Don’t you know what to do with it?” she asked.

I laughed nervously and feeling embarrassed, I didn’t know what to do with it, but I didn’t tell her that, I didn’t want her to think I was a total loser, “Yeah I do yeah.” I replied, and I started to gently massage it, while my brother and his mates stared at us, whispering and laughing.

Sometime later my brother shouted over, “We’re going down to the tunnel, are you coming?” as he and his mates started to climb over the wall.

Melanie pulled my hand out from under her sheet and stood up, then she held her hand out for mine, “Yeah, come on, lets go.” She said, so I took her hand and we walked around instead of jumping over the wall.

We went down a field to the stream, at the far end of the field was a big Victorian stone flood tunnel that the stream flowed through and the kids were running around inside it and jumping from one side of the stream to the other.

While they were in there Melanie put her arms around me and kissed me, it was really nice, she was shorter than me about 5 feet tall, her lips were so nice and soft, then she did something I wasn’t expecting.

I was wearing elasticated jogging pants and she held on to the waist line and pulled the front outward to look down at my cock and she gasped, reaching down inside my joggers and cupping my cock and balls in her hand, “You’ve got a boner.” She said.

But my cock was just a little chubby, it was erect, it was then I knew that she was a virgin in every sense of the world, if she thought that my chubby cock was a boner then clearly she’d never seen an erect cock before, I didn’t correct her though.

Then she did something else that made me feel really embarrassed, “Emma – Come take a look at this.” She called out.

Her little sister came running over and she looked down my joggers and my cock, “Look at his boner.” Melanie said, I felt so embarrassed having a little girl looking at my privates, luckily she made me so nervous I didn’t get an erection from Melanie holding it, to be honest I can’t believe I even let her hold it, I’d known her for like 2-hours.

Later that afternoon after spending a lot of time holding each other, hugging and kissing, she wanted more, “Can we go back to yours?” she asked.

But I was still living with my parents and there was no way they’d let me take a girl her age up to my room, in fact they probably wouldn’t let me take any girl up to my room, “We can’t, I don’t have my own place.” I replied, feeling gutted because I was definitely on to a winner.

“You can come back to mine.” She said.

Turns out that she and her sister lived with their grandma and she was out so we’d have the house to ourselves.

“Okay.” I replied.

Then she called out for her sister again, “Emma, come on.” Before taking my hand and practically dragging me back to her grandma’s house, and it was a bit weird she wanted her sister to come with us, I thought we were going to have some fun, alone, but apparently not.

We went back to the house and straight up to her bedroom which she shared with her sister.

She sat on her bed and took her top off, “Have you got anything?” she asked.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Protection – A condom?” she asked.

“Oh – Uhm – Shit no I haven’t.” I replied, thinking our plans were ruined and she wouldn’t want to do it now.

But then she shrugged, “Never mind. I don’t care.” She laughed, when she finished undressing to her panties, she then got up and helped me out of my clothes, even my boxers, and she rubbed my cock and balls while leading me over to her bed and we both got on it.

Then Emma walked in with a bag of sweets and just sat on her bed facing towards us, I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered up my cock, I was expecting Melanie to shout at her or at least ask Emma to leave, but she didn’t.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me.
“Your sister is here.” I said.

“So?” she said.

“Well – Is she going to watch us?” I asked, with nervous laughter.

“Probably.” She replied, “Don’t worry about her, come on, lets just do it.” She said.

Emma was making me nervous but I tried to ignore her and just got on with it, Melanie took off her panties and when I saw her bald pussy my cock instantly became erect, to her surprise, “Oh my god – it’s even bigger now. Emma – Look!!” she shouted out, “Is it meant to be that big?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I replied.

Melanie tugged on it, “And it’s really hard too – Emma come and feel this.” She said, and Emma came over and rubbed my cock, I couldn’t believe what was going on, I was wanting to fuck Melanie, sure, I mean she was only 14 but she had big boobs and was a grown girl, but Emma was only 10, short, and still had a baby face, it felt awkward having her looking at and touching my cock.

Emma went back and sat on her own bed and Melanie pulled me down on top of her, “Put it inside me then.” She ordered, spreading her legs around me.

I kissed her and felt her smooth naked body, rubbing her breasts and her pussy, everyone knows you have to warm up first, you can’t just stick it in, after about 5-minutes her pussy got soaking wet and my cock was twitching against her slit, so I pushed forward and after applying a lot of pressure, my cock finally penetrated her, “U-U-Uhhh” she gasped out, and Emma giggled at her.

My cock was inside of her warm tight pussy so I began to thrust and fuck her, I was a virgin fucking a younger virgin, it was amazing..

Emma got off her bed and came over and kneeled down on the floor beside Melanie’s bed and she was looking between us to watch my cock sliding in and out of her sister’s pussy, “Doesn’t it hurt, Mel?” she asked.

“Uh – A bit! – Uh – Ungh!” she moaned.

“He’s pushing it all the way in. Looks gross.” She giggled.

“Shut up, Emma!” she snapped, “Uh – Uh – Uh.”

I was losing my virginity to a beautiful, if a not a little crazy, girl, having my arms wrapped under and around her, feeling her warm body against mine, her soft breasts pressed against my chest, the bounce of her bum as I thrust in to her, her warm breath against my neck as she gasped and knowing that it was me making her moan with pleasure, god it felt great.

I tried to last, I really did, because I knew that as soon as I came it would be over, and I didn’t want it to end, but biology didn’t work that work, I didn’t have a choice, I thrust in to her continuously, pumping faster by the second, the pressure built up, my legs started shaking from the pressure of imminent release, I could no longer put it off.

Then it happened, I thrust in to her one final time as deep as I could, my balls tightened and I groaned with orgasm, “OoOoOoOaH!” as I ejaculate stream after stream of sperm in to her, “OoOoOaH!” and she moaned at the same time when she felt it, we moaned and groaned in sync with one another, “OoOoOaH – Ungh – Uh!”

Emma went in to a fit of giggles, “You sound so silly – What are you moaning for?” she said.

“Because it felt good.” She replied, gasping on to my neck as we lay still catching our breath.

I sat up and slowly pulled my cock out of Melanie’s pussy, then I sat up on the bed, Emma watched my cock slowly shrink and drip on to the bed, “Can I have a go?” she asked, and I laughed, “No!” I said.

“Why?” she asked.

“You’re way too young for this.” I said.

“You couldn’t handle it, Emma.” Melanie told her.

“Yeah I could.” She said.

“No you couldn’t.” Melanie said.

“I could. I bet it didn’t even hurt, you’re just soft.” She joked.

Melanie sat up, “Fuck off, Emma – I’m not soft. Trust me, you couldn’t handle that.” She said.

Emma starting taunting her, “Softy – Softy – Softy.”

Melanie got off her bed and grabbed Emma and then pushed her on to the bed, “Go on then. Let’s see you do it.” She said.

“What?” I said.

“Do it – Have sex with her.” She said to me.

“No way, she’s just a kid.” I said.

“Just do it to shut her up. Take your clothes off, Emma.” She replied.

Emma giggled and took off her summer dress and panties and then she laid down on the bed with her legs open, I took one look at her flat chest and little pussy, and my cock suddenly sprang back to life.

I didn’t understand it though, In my mind I was dead against having sex with such a little girl, she was just a baby in my eyes, but for some reason my body felt different and clearly it wanted to fuck her, I was in two minds about it until Emma reached out and rubbed my erection with her small hands.

She had made up my mind for me, “Yeah – Alright, lets do it.” I said.

I got on top of her but not fully, she was a lot shorted than me so I couldn’t lay right on top of her, I kissed her and rubbed my hands all over her very small body and pussy, kissed her cute flat chest, and continued to rub her pussy until she got wet.

Then I rubbed my cock up and down her slit before pushing it forward, it took a lot more pressure than Melanie’s before I broke her virgin barrier, it split and my cock sank in to her, “Argh – Ouch – Argh!” she cried out loudly.

“See, I told you – you couldn’t handle it.” Melanie laughed.

“Mel, it hurts.” She shouted.

Melanie kneeled on the floor beside her bed and put her hand over Emma’s mouth to muffle her cries, “Keep going, John – Fuck her.” She laughed.

So I did.

Emma’s pussy was very tight, tighten than Melanie’s that’s for sure, it took a bit of time for her pussy to stretch fully open to take my cock but she kept getting wetter and wetter which helped lubricate my cock and soon I was gliding in and out of her.

“Mmh – Mm – Uh – Uh.” She was moaning under Melanie’s hand.

Emma was grasping at the sheets, moaning and she had some tears in her eyes, I felt a little bad but I couldn’t stop, her pussy was just too good and I had to keep going, “Emma, you’re tight! – Ooah god!” I gasped.

I think I was even fucking her little pussy a lot harder than I was Melanie’s, I don’t know if it was because I had just lost my virginity and gotten confident at doing, or if it was because she was just so damn tight, but I was fucking her pussy hard.

Ten minutes later and it was all lover, “OoOoOaH! – OoOoOaH!” I drowned her cervix in an ocean of semen, flooded her little pussy with my seed, “OoOoOaH!”

“Are you finished?” Melanie asked.

“Yeah – Wohw.” I gasped out.

Melanie took her hand away from Emma’s mouth, “Now who’s the softy!” she joked at her.

Emma had a few tears running down her face but she smiled and then giggled, “Ouch.” She giggled.

“Are you alright? – I’m sorry if I hurt you.” I said.

She nodded and continued giggling while Melanie and I laughed it off.

I was in a relationship with Melanie for about a year and a half, we were always having sex, and every so often I’d get to fuck Emma’s too, when she was home, and it was great, I loved it.

But the twist is that Melanie and I broke up when I got Emma pregnant, I thought it would have been Melanie that I knocked up, but no, my sperm found Emma’s womb first. She was 4 months away from her 12th birthday when she found out she was pregnant, which obviously complicated things.

Emma’s grandma found out about the baby and she was so mad that she packed up, took Melanie and Emma and moved away from the area, Emma never told her that I was the father, she could have done and I would have been fine with that, but she knew how much trouble I would get in to if she told, and she wasn’t that type of girl.

I didn’t see either of them again until a few months ago when Emma turned up at my door having found me through social media, Emma and I are talking to arrange for me to meet my daughter.

Her name is Carla and she’s 12 years old, from the photo’s I’ve seen of her she is the spitting image of her mom, and I can’t wait to meet her.

I did some stupid things when I was younger, but having sex with Melanie and Emma wasn’t one of them, especially with Emma, we created a baby together, and she’s so beautiful.

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