The hooker, the personal date and her kids Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

I paid for her to come to the hotel. I fucked her and got her to take a buttfucking. She wanted to date personally. She fucked in front of her kids

I called an agency in Florida for a few weeks. They sent over a nice, short haired blonde with brown pubes, D cup tits and a very nice tightly packed body. Over and over as we were building up to it, she kept repeating she wouldn’t mind going out with me personally. I never wanted to date a hooker and right then just wanted to get my nut off. She said I was only her third call ever, she’d started the day before with two calls now me. I didn’t believe her until I was fucking her and asked if she took it up her ass. Her ex used to fuck her ass in the shower so she was willing. She rolled over on her side, I got behind her and after about 2 minutes of buttfucking her, she says that we don’t have to worry about getting pregnant in her ass I can take off the rubber. So I do and dumped a large load up her very nice ass. She pulled off, kissed my cock and sucked me clean. I thought her being a beginner might be true as she didn’t want any extra for anal nor for a2m. She reminded me we still had time on the clock if I wanted her to stay around. I opened the drapes to the ground floor terrace of my room and fucked her in front of anyone passing by. Then, I asked her about going out personally. She let it be known that she’d like to see me, date me, and I could get all the sex I wanted for free with her if we dated.

So we dated. I took her out, and even that first time dropping her off at her apartment didn’t come up to fuck her. She was surprised, even calling me to ask if I wasn’t attracted to her. I was and told her so, she asked if I’d rather she not talk about her work. I told her that was why I asked, I wanted to know. The next night after she’d had two calls. She comes to my room and I fuck her after getting worked up with the details of what she did with the other guys. Well, one guy and one MF couple. She let a woman eat her for her second time only in her life, and she licked the womans pussy a first for her. She said that she had to get home as her mom was watching her kids, a girl 11 and a boy 10. I didn’t realize she had kids, and I asked what her mom thought she was out this late doing. Her mom knew what she was and had to do for a living. She also called her mom and told her she was taking a stop to get off with me as she didn’t get off with her customers.

I went back to her apartment, met her mother who looked just like her and honestly looked the same age, good genes. She checked on her kids, and took me to the living room, we stripped and were soon buttfucking. I heard a voice and froze, both of us naked on the floor, she on her stomach with my cock up her ass. “Mommy, is that man making you feel good like daddy did?” and the answer was “Oh baby, he’s making mommy feel really really good, better than ever”
“Is he putting his thingy in your butt mommy?”
“Yes baby he is, he put it in mommy’s vagina earlier tonight, so we’re doing it in my butt now, his thingy is making mommys butt feel really good”

With that the girl comes over and sits on the floor, and I was told to keep going. I buttfucked a woman in front of her daughter. As I pulled out, still erect after, the girl commented that my “peepee” was bigger than daddys.

As time wore on, I stayed in the state living with them for another month. She took her jobs, told me all about them, and even brought a girl in from the agency to do a threesome for us. It was nothing to be naked and fuck in front of her kids. Many times I would fuck their mom on the couch while they were watching TV. Finally the girl was watching us have vaginal sex and asked her mom what it felt like. “It’s so good baby, you’ll know one of these days” was the answer.

“I want to know now, it looks good, I want his peepee inside my peepee”

“You’re too little baby, it would still hurt too much, but we can do something”

With that she gets off of me and has the girl suck on my cock, then straddle my mouth and I licked her to her little orgasm. I saw her hymen, my dick was hard and the mom started sucking me off while I licked her daughter. The son was oblivious to it all. The little girl moaned and pressed against me and without me knowing what was going to happen, as I built up to blow in her mouth the mom lifted the girl up and sat her down on my cock. Her cherry popped and she gasped, and was perfectly still.

“it will feel good soon baby, don’t worry”

and she started moving the girls hips on my cock. I stiffened and blew into the virgin cunt.

Mom took the girls cotton panties, wiped up some of her virgin blood, and my cum on them. She told the girl to keep them as a souvenir and to go to the bathroom and let it leak out.

I got dressed and left, never wanting to go back. Eventually the mom phoned and asked me to forgive her then dropped the bomb. She was knocked up.

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