The LAFA Chronicles – Part 4 – Confession Sex Stories Cool – Y2 Stories

Sex slave and slut confesses to sex crimes and is punished by priest

“I have to go out. I may not return until very late. Or tomorrow. Pack me food,” the priest said to the nun who was his housekeeper and sex slave to him and religious slut to other men and women.
“Are you going to fuck her?”
He looked at her without answering. He didn’t have to.
She knew what happened when he went away.
One or more women would have their cunnies sprayed with his seed and maybe a child growing in their belly.
“Do you want relief before you go”
It would take him longer to climax in a new cunny.
The nun slid easily to her knees, releasing the bib of her kirtle in one easy, practiced movement. Her breasts were still firm. Even though she’d only briefly ever suckled a child, they still produced milk several times a day for the priest. She pushed back his cockskin with one hand and reached for his balls with the other. His growing cockstand disappeared into her waiting mouth.
After, with his seed still on her chin, she looked up and said
“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned”
“How long since your last confession?”
“About three hours”
“Tell me”
“I have had impure thoughts”
“I have been playing with myself”
“In what way”
“I put my fingers inside my cunny”
“I brought myself to a climax”
“How many times?”
“And what were you thinking?”
“That my cunny was being ploughed by a priest”
“Did that give you pleasure?”
“And what else?”
“I used obscene language.”
“What did you say?”
“Fuck me”
“Did he?”
“I have looked at the cunny of another woman”
“Just looking?”
“I stroked her pussy hair and licked her cunny”
“Did that give you pleasure?”
“Did it give her pleasure?”
“I don’t know. She struggled then wriggled then groaned”
“Did she climax?”
“And what else?”
“I bared my breasts to a man”
“And then?”
“I allowed him to fondle and pull my nipples like a beast, as if he could drink milk from them.”
“Did that pleasure you?”
“And then?”
“I took his cockstand in my mouth, I felt his balls tighten, he spurted his seed into my mouth.”
“Did that pleasure you?”
“Did you think of his cockstand spurting his seed deep into your cunny?”
“And how did you feel?”
“That I should confess and be punished”
“Your sins are forgiven. You must do penance. Lean against that settle with your bare aers in the air and say the act of contrition while I administer the penance”
With her naked apple-rounded aers in the open air, the priest delivered three hard slaps on each buttock. As her legs were already apart, he pushed on her puckered brown aers with his thumb while feeling her damp cunny with his forefinger. She sighed with pleasure and quickly climaxed as his digit penetrated her shallowly.
He smacked her once more, then she smeared what was left of his seed from her face to her nipples and re-presented them to him.
He twisted them and groped her until the seed was absorbed into her skin
She licked his wilting cockstand clean.
He gripped his cassock and left to walk to the stables where his donkey was housed.

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