The neighbours daughters are little fucktoys Sex Stories Cool – Y2 Stories

A pervy neighbour continues his usage of the neighbour’s young daughters, turning them into his fucktoys

*Important Note*

The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance.

The next few weeks were something out of a dream for Mark. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined the results of his raping escapades he would manage to warp Megan into an obedient little sex pet. But they were meeting up almost every day and every day that they weren’t she’d be sexting and sending nudes and videos of her playing with herself. When they did meet he was having the time of his life fucking her tight holes. Because of the nature of her introduction to sex she’d developed a desire and enjoyment out of being used hard and rough. She would beg him to pull on her hair, spank her ass, choke her, and face fuck her.

They moved up to him using her ass as well, he started by one morning on her way to school giving her a butt plug that vibrated at random intervals and also slowly expanded, stretching her out. Then after a couple of days of that plus some anal fingering and dildo play he finally fucked her ass with him getting his cock balls deep in the 13yo. Megan moaned like the little slut she’d developed into, she loved that he was fucking her ass hard and she wanted to do anything she could to please him. This included Amy.

Mark had decided he was having enough fun on his own without having to do anything with Amy himself, but he had instructed Megan to get to work training her to be his second little fucktoy. He’d left her with dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, handcuffs, and ball gags for Megan to practice on herself and use on her sister. And she loved doing it! Every night she would sneak into Amy’s room after her parents were asleep, crawl into bed and finger her sisters pussy to orgasm. She became more confident about things and started using lube and poking fingers into her ass. Where she could she would take videos and send them to Mark, he got hard immediately whenever he saw a notification indicating a video message from her. He’d given her a separate phone for them to communicate so her parents had no idea.

Megan had started encouraging her parents to get out more and leave her in charge, they had no idea it was all just so that she could have alone time with Amy for her to experiment with her pervy ideas. One day her parents agreed to go to a dinner with friends and Megan and Amy were all alone. Mark considered paying a visit to the girls but Megan asked for it just to be them, she wanted special training time with Amy. With the promise of plenty of videos Mark agreed. That night Megan took full use of the opportunity, first off she got them both naked and rubbed Amy all over in baby oil. She then got Amy leaning up against the couch and while she told Amy to finger herself with a finger vibratory she also got Amy to lick her out, demand she lick her to orgasm. As she felt her first orgasm building she grabbed the back of Amys heads and forced it hard onto her pussy, “aaaaaaaahhhhh yeah, lick me you little slut!!!! I’m cumming so hard!!!” As Megan pulled away her sisters face was glistening with her pussy juices, feeling insatiable with lust she planted a deep tongue kiss on her sister. She then got Amy up in the couch and buried her face into her little sisters pussy and licked her hard, Amy was already wet as turned on by her fingering and it didn’t take long for her to start moaning and screaming as she orgasmed to her sisters sexual assault.

For the 3.5 hours their parents were gone Megan did several things with her sister, she put her in handcuffs and put the weighted nipple clamps her with her wearing a ball gag. She used multiple different vibrators and dildos on her, getting her to orgasm several times. Using those same dildos she trained her to give a blowjob properly. She got Amy to fuck her with this dildos as well, as well as finger her in the pussy and ass. While she started training Amy in anal sex, in preparation for Mark’s next visit. She of course filmed this all and sent it to Mark, which made him go wild. Amy was ready for his next visit.

Thankfully for Megan and Mark they didn’t have to wait too much longer for that time. Megan’s parents, knowing absolutely nothing about the sexual assault of their daughters, had become interested in making the nights out leaving their two daughters alone a weekly thing. The very next week they again went out this time for dinner and a movie. They would be gone from 6pm until 10:30 (at the earliest!). This was the night Mark wanted to make Amy his own. Just 15min after the parents were gone Mark made his way over to the house, he got a message from Megan saying they were in Amy’s room. Mark had given Megan no instructions so imagine his delight when he entered the room and saw Amy and Megan naked with Amy handcuffed with her hands behind her back and wearing a ball gag on her young mouth. “She’s ready for you master!” Megan walked up and planted a deep passionate kiss on him while clutching his crotch. Pulling away from the kids he said, “mmmmm baby you really and a good little fucktoy aren’t you?!” Megan was used to him calling her that, it now turned her on. Mark looked Amy over, she looked a sight of perfection ready for his use, but they had time and he hadn’t fucked his fucktoy in days, he could tell they both wanted it!

“Let’s give little sis a bit of a show, show her how it’s all done and what she has to look forward to!”
“Oh yes master! I’ve been wanting your cock for days!”
Without a word she got on her knees and started unzipping his pants while Mark stripped off the rest of his clothes. Out popped his rock hard cock once she’d pulled his pants down and immediately her 13yo mouth was wrapped around his cock. She moaned as she bobbed up and down on it, fingering herself while she got his cock deep into her mouth. Mark let her do her thing pleased at how obedient she was, Amy couldn’t help but watch in horror and confusion at her sister happily pleasing the man who had so brutally raped her only a few weeks ago. Mark saw this as a chance to remind Amy just who’s in charge, “Megan, hands behind your back!” Obediently she did as she was told. Immediately Mark started thrusting hard into Megan’s face, making her cough and gag as his cock slammed against her throat. Mark grunted as her used his fuckpet’s face, while Megan moaned and felt herself get wet at the facial assault. Amy watched on in disbelief that Megan actually seemed to be enjoying it!

Finally Mark pulled away, it was time for Amy to get involved, “Megan get your sister nice and wet, bend over lick the little cunt out!” Megan obediently did as she was told, putting her head into little sisters crotch, as she started licking Mark came from behind and rubbed his cock up and down Megan’s wet pussy before grabbing her hips and pushing his cock in. He still loved that animalism that came from viciously raping these girls, but there was something about this 13yo inviting him to fuck her pussy that made him so hard, and the fact she was wet for him meant his cock just slid in and out with ease. Megan moaned as her fucked her, while licking out her bound and gagged sister at the same time just turned her on even more. Mark pulled his cock out of her pussy and squeezed it into her tight little ass, “oh fuck yeah, take it up your ads now you little whore!!!” In amongst her licking Megan would moan and say, “oh yeah master! Fuck my ass! Fuck me harder!!! Show Amy what a little whore I am!!” Mark was getting so turned on, he spanked her ass as he fucked her before finally feeling his balls about to explode he pulled out at the last second and moved around to Amy’s face a shot his loads onto her gagged mouth squirting it all over her face. Amy squealed and moaned at Mark’s humiliating gesture while Megan kept licking her sister out and fingering herself determined they cum at the same time, Amy moaned as she felt the feeling she’d become so used to arriving. She arched her back while Megan furiously fingered herself and both sisters cried out in pleasure as they both climaxed at the same time. Mark pulled the gag off from Amy and forced his cock into her mouth, “suck me clean little slut, taste your sisters ass! Get me hard again!!”

Amy knew she had no choice in the matter so she diligently sucked on Mark’s cock, putting the lessons Amy had taught her into practice. She used her tongue to tease him, and bobbed up and down like a pro while Megan continued to finger her. Mark’s cock leaked the last of his cum from Megan’s ass fucking but started to grow stronger again. He’d take viagra to aid in his gun tonight, and sure enough he was hard again. “Good job little slut! Now enough warm up, it’s time for the real thing!” He pulled his cock out of the 10yo mouth and shifted Megan so she was now in squatting position over Amy’s mouth. Megan knew what he wanted and promptly got Any to start licking her out, while Mark positioned his cock on Amy’s pussy. He rubbed against her wet lips and then forced his cock inside the girl. Megan had forced Amy to do quite a bit over the last few weeks but nothing still compared to a real adult cock being driven into her. With her mouth muffled by her sisters pussy she moaned and cried, Mark wasn’t being anywhere near as hard or forceful as last time. It was his goal to get her craving cock like her sister, he took things slower and more methodical, trying to hit points that she responded to. While Amy wasn’t hating it, Mark could tell she needed more help, “Megan help your sister orgasm, take out one of vibrators and use it on her clit.” “Yes master.”

Megan grabbed one of the vibrators and did as she was told and placed it on Amy’s clit as Mark fucked her, her mouth now free Amy moaned as the vibrator stimulated the lustful sensations inside of her. She arched her back as Mark fucked her, him increasing the rhythm and depths of his thrusts bit by bit. “Ahhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnnnnmmmm” Amy couldn’t help but cry out as Mark fucked her, now at quite a fast pace, he was almost getting balls deep on, his cock was slick with Amy’s juices flowing. “Ahhhhh fuck yeah you little slut!!! You’re body belongs to me now!!! You’re my little sex pet!!! You’re gonna take all my fucking cuuuuuuuuuuuuuummm!!!” And with that his cock burst out another load of cum, this time sending it inside Amy’s young pussy. Meanwhile as he reached his orgasm, the ferocity of his fucking with Megan using the vibrator Amy herself could help but cry out, “ahhhhhhhhhh, I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!” Amy had been taught by Megan to say that when she felt that feeling, hearing her yell that seemed to give Mark a second wind, he kept thrusting hard as his cock squirted cum into the girl causing a sloshing wet sound as his cum mixed with her pussy juices as he pounded her holes. His cock refused to go down and he just kept doing that for minutes until finally he collapsed on top of her with no more energy. That was his best fuck ever.

Megan had seen this and although she was pleased as his fucktoy she’d helped him and Amy orgasm, Megan was jealous of how hard Mark had cum. He’d never done that with her! She had to try to hide her annoyance, after all she served him. Still that didn’t mean that when the time was right she couldn’t punish Amy! Mark finally pulled himself off Amy’s exhausted body, she just lay there panting but definitely seemed to almost smile as she started coming down from her orgasm. Cum dribbled out of her young pussy, Mark was honestly astounded at how much he had cum, as he got himself up he inspected her pussy and saw the sloppy mess he’d left her. “Damn, you’re a good little fucktoy aren’t you!?” Amy exhausted responded with a meek, “I’m-i’m a fucktoy.” Mark looked at Megan, he couldn’t help but see her a bit blank and almost annoyed. “Megan, why don’t you be a good sister and clean her pussy. Lick all the cum from her inside and out, but don’t swallow! When you’ve got it all look to me for instructions!” Glad for any opportunity to help her master she diligently licked Amy’s sloppy cum covered pussy, getting every drop of cum she could find. She looked at Mark, “good girl. Now I want you to kiss your sister and pass the cum to her! But Amy I don’t want you to swallow it either! I want you to keep kissing each other and keep passing it to each other. It’s like musical chairs! And whoever gets the cum at the end wins the game!”

Megan did as she was told and kissed Amy passing the cum, Amy did the same, and back and forth they went, the sisters kissing for minutes passing the cum between them until Mark yelled, “STOP! Ok let’s see who has the cum! Both of you open your mouths!” They did as they were told, Megan’s you could see bits of cum, but Amy’s mouth clearly had the load. “Good girl Amy! Now you may swallow!” She did as she was told, her eyes cringing as the liquid went down her throat and into her stomach. Mark was pleased with seeing the young girl struggle to swallow it down, he didn’t want it to be easy for her! Megan was actually jealous of Amy for her getting to be the one that swallowed Mark’s cum and got annoyed again to the point she wanted to punish her sister for becoming his new favourite. “Master?”
Mark was a little taken aback but responded back to Megan, “why yes my little fucktoy?”
“I want to play with Amy, I want to have my own fun with her. I want you to watch to make you happy!”
Mark wasn’t sure what to think of all of this but it turned him on the Megan wanted to have her own bit of fun with Amy, in her eyes he could see a sadistic mean streak so he was curious about what she would do. It was also an opportunity for him to turn porn director and take plenty of vids for future enjoyment.
“Ok fucktoy, Amy is yours to play with.”
“Can I be as rough and mean as I want?!”
Mark was genuinely intrigued to see how far Megan would go with her sister, “I tell you what, you be as rough as you want and if I want you to stop I’ll tell you to stop!”

Megan smiled, she really wanted to show Mark how much she had learned and changed. The first thing she did was grab a gag that he had given her that was in the shape of a dog bone, she forced it onto Amy’s mouth with Amy’s eye begging for mercy. Amy barely recognised this Megan, this wasn’t the sister that she grew up with, that sister was dead. Murdered in lust and rape by Mark, this was a totally different Megan that wanted to hurt her. “Do you remember Amy that I wanted a puppy, but I was told I couldn’t have one because you were allergic? Well today you’re going to be my puppy, you’re going to be my little bitch!” She pulled out a butt plug that had a bushy tail attached to it, the plug size was a larger adult so Mark was curious to see if Megan would be able to get it in her. Amy lay on her front as Megan knelt next to her younger sister’s bottom and spread her little ass cheeks. Before her ass, Megan actually pushed it into Amy’s still wet and cum sticky pussy, then spitting onto her little sisters asshole she pressed the butt plug against her ass hole. With the only lube being Amy’s pussy juices, Marks cum, and Megan’s saliva, Megan began forcing the object inside Amy. For Amy it felt like her ass was getting ripped open, it was pain she had never experienced before and she was doing her best to let them know, “nnnnnnnnnggggggggg, ooooooooffffff” was all she could get out around the bone gag as Megan pushed it deeper. Mark was worried it might be too much for the girl and was about to call a stop to it until suddenly Megan put all her strength and efforts into the butt plug and in a moment where Amy’s sphincter relaxed the plug slid in all the way attaching the tail to the girl.

With it inside her Amy gasped for breath and relaxed despite it feeling incredibly uncomfortable and still painful for her sisters anal abuse. Megan attached a collar and lead around Amy’s knock and undid the handcuffs for the first time. “Time to go for a walk puppy!” Megan spat at her sister, Amy was still recovering from her ass being spread open so ignored her, but the only fired Megan up, “I said walk you little bitch!” She pulled on the tail renewing Amy’s cried pains, but it got the desired response. Amy got onto all fours and came off the bed being led by her older sister like a dog. “Let’s see how obedient you are puppy! Shake!” Humiliated to be treated like a dog Amy gave Megan her hand. “Good girl, now beg!” Amy got on her knees and put her hands into what she assumed to be a beg pose. Mark was truly astonished at what he was witnessing, he was getting massively turned out but still focused on filming it all. “Good puppy! Now I’m going to take your gag off but don’t say a word! I forbid it!” She took the gag off and Amy stayed silent though she whimpered sadly. Megan pulled out a strange tentacle like dildo that vibrated and showing it to Amy’s face she said, “now fetch!” She tossed it to the other side of the room and with Amy free of the lead she went and grabbed with her mouth and brought it to Megan. “Show me you’re enjoying this, wag your tail bitch!” With the dildo in her mouth Amy shook her butt to make the tail wag. It hurt every time she moved but was too afraid to disobey, “now drop the dildo!” Amy immediately did as she was told.

Megan had enjoyed simulating Amy being a dog and hoped that it had made her the favourite again with Mark. He was certainly impressed with her, but Megan wasn’t done. Using the weird tentacle dildo she started rubbing it against her own pussy and then started inserting it turning it on making it vibrate and wiggle. Megan moaned as it turned her on and got her juices flowing once again, once she was convinced it was sopping wet she took it out and forced it into Amy’s mouth, going deep into her making her little sister choke and gag. “That’s it puppy gag on the dildo, gag on my pussy juices!!!”
Almost as quickly as she’d shoved it in she pulled it out again and put it back into her pussy, back and forth she went from her own pussy and Amy’s mouth with ever gag turning her on even more before finally using the dildo she felt a massive orgasm coming and started squirting into her sister’s face. “Ahhhhhhh yes puppy!!!! I’m cummmiiiiiing!!! Amy didn’t know what to think of this but she knew she felt absolutely humiliated with more bodily fluid being shot onto her. For Mark it was the hottest thing he had ever witnessed and was so insatiably hot for Megan.

He grabbed the handcuffs and bound Amy to the pole of the bed and pick Megan up dropped her on Amy’s desk flinging all the objects off the table. He thrusted his hard cock straight into Megan’s sopping wet pussy and lustfully with one hand holding her hips and the other a fistful of her hair pounded his cock into her with a passion he’d never felt before. As he fucked her sloppy 13yo pussy Megan cried out, “ahhhhhh, am your favourite?! Am I your favourite?!”
“Oh fuck yeah you’re my favourite, you’re my favourite little fucktoy!!!
They came together in a hard passionate kiss as Mark continued his rough pounding of her, Megan was already on her second orgasm since he threw her on the desk, while Mark could feel another hard orgasm coming. “AHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCK, YOU’RE MY LITTLE WHOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!
And with that his balls exploded with yet another jet stream of cum being shot into Megan’s fertile young pussy, until that time Mark had been wearing a condom of pulling out to avoid Megan getting pregnant but in that passionate moment he didn’t care. In fact it turned him on more and had him squirt more juices into her at the thought this little fucktoy might have his child.

Amy had no choice but to watch this incredible display of passion take place, the manner and ferocity that mark fucked her sister shocked Amy, but what shocked her more was that Megan loved every moment of it. Both Megan and Mark felt her gaze on them as they turned around together, a sweaty exhausted mess and looked at Amy with those evil looks. Megan spoke up, “awwwww puppy looks left out Master!”
“Well we can’t have that now can we!”
The sadistic couple walked over, Megan struggling to walk straight as she had wobbles from her multiple orgasms. Mark was the first to act, he stuck his cock into Amy’s mouth and she didn’t even need instructions, she sucked on it bobbing up and down with the taste cum cum once again present. He then pulled out of her, and Megan replaced him with her crotch in her face, “lick masters cum out of me fuck puppy!!! Lick it all up, I want you to lick me clean!!!” Amy diligently worked her tongue inside and around Megan’s pussy which was sopping wet from her orgasms and mixed with Marks cum, finally Megan was satisfied and said, “open your mouth puppy, show me masters cum!” Amy did as she was told, she was just a robot following instructions hoping it would lead to a better result. With her mouth open Megan could see a pool of Mark’s cum in her sisters mouth, “now swallow puppy!!!” Amy closed her eyes and swallowed the butter tasting liquid down feeling it once again slide down her throat, doing her best not to vomit it back up.

Megan turned to Mark, “master still hasn’t fucked puppy’s ass. I want to help prepare her.”
Mark was ready to do anything Megan wanted, in some ways they had even swapped roles! “My little fucktoy can do what she wishes to puppy!” It wasn’t lost on Amy that they had stopped referring, she was no longer Amy, 10yo girl. She was “puppy” the sex toy for Mark and Megan to play with in whatever ways they saw fit.
Megan undid Amy’s handcuffs, “On your hands and knees puppy!” Megan barked at Amy, Amy did exactly as she was told like an obedient dog. Her back arched and butt presenting, the tail from her terrible butt plug pointed up high. Amy moved around to her ass and started stoking the fluffy tail, she did this several times while rubbing and patting Amy’s butt cheeks before with any warning she pulled on the tail to pull it out of Amy’s ass. Amy screamed in pain, once again it felt like Megan was breaking Amy’s asshole, “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Megan stooooooooop, pleeeeease!!!!”
“Shut the fuck up puppy!!! Force it out of your ass!!! C’mon you little bitch, push it out!!!!”
With the combined efforts of Amy pushing and Megan brutally pulling, finally after what seemed like an eternity the butt plug came out of Amy’s ass. Amy slumped to the floor unable to stand as her legs trembled from the efforts of forcing the butt plug out. For Megan’s part once the butt plus was out she immediately discarded it and started squeezing open both butt cheeks to see her little sisters ass gaping. It was a gorgeous black hole into Amy’s body, but even so Amy’s young elastic body was starting to clench it shut again.

Megan pulled out some anal beads, and this time using baby oil to lube her up, she started forcing the beads in one at a time with each bead getting bigger. Megan would push one in then pull it out and push it back in before continuing on to the next biggest one. Amy just whimpered and cried as Megan continued to assault her sisters ass. This particular set of beads was 10 inch with 8 beads and Megan was determined she get all of them in Amy. She was up to 5 before it really started getting difficult, Amy was sobbing and crying as her ass yet again got violated by her sister. Number 6 came and Megan really had to put some force into it, “ahhhh Megan please no more! I can’t take it!!” The only response to that though was an angry slap on one of her butt cheeks, “quiet puppy!!” Finally number 6 went in, as her ass closed she immediately started pulling it out, it popped out and straight away before Amy’s ass closed Megan forced it back in. Amy sobbed and sobbed, Megan didn’t care though as her sadistic traits had well and truly taken control. She dribbled on more oil, really working it inside her before pressing number 7 in, Amy was panting hard as Megan ruthlessly pushed it in but she realised that complaining only made Megan rougher so bit stayed silent and just whimpered sadly. 7 was stretching her asshole brutally but Megan just waited as she pressed for the moment her ass slightly relaxed, and when it came BAM! She pushed it with both fingers inside her sister! “Ahhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn!!!” Was all Amy could say to that.

Mark was just sitting back in full enjoyment of the show but it did occur to him that Amy should have something to but down on so he got the dog bone gag and put it back on the girl. It muffled her cries but she used it to but down for the pain as Amy teased pulling bead 7 out but never did. “Ok puppy, there’s one more bead to go!” Amy looked back at her sister with pain in her eyes and gag in her mouth shaking her head, begging for her to stop. She hoped in that moment she remembered what they had been through together for years and that she still loved her. But what she got back was hatred and evil, Megan wanted to inflict this maximum pain on her. Megan smiled as she dribbled more oil onto Megan’s ass and pressed her thumbs against bead number 8. A size that against her small butt cheeks looked enormous, a size that most adults would get huge about of pain and discomfort from. She pushed with all her might on the final bead being forced against her sisters asshole, “nnnnnnnnnggggggggggggffffffffffff!!!!” Amy screamed feeling her asshole being opened up way past it’s proper capacity, the bead was struggling to get past the circumference as her ass was too small for it, even Mark was thinking this was too far and just as he was about to tell Megan just that Megan put all that force all the humiliation Mark had done to her, the abuse, the twisting of her mind, and she channeled it into her thumbs and forced number 8 inside Amy. Amy almost passed out from the shock and pain but as it went in her body just collapsed as she felt the bead join its companions in her ass. Megan knew it would be too much to take out and force back in but she teased doing it to heighten Amy’s pain.

Megan turned to Mark, “fuck puppy in the ass Master! She is ready!” Make smiled at Megan, this was her plan he realised, he was stretching her using the beads so that he could fuck her ass brutally with no resistance. He started pumping his cock using the oil to stick it up and when Megan felt he was ready she began to pull on the beads, as 8 came out she made sure to hold it at its widest point for maximum effect. Number 8 was definitely bigger in girth to Mark’s cock. Finally she continued pulling and as bead by bead they came out as they got down the the final few there was barely any resistance left in her ass. She pulled the final bead from her ass and showed off her sisters gaping asshole to her master, “now fuck puppy’s ass hard master!!!! Make puppy squeal, make her cry, make her cum!!!” Mark getting super turned on by Megan’s sadistic nature took his cock and jammed it inside Amy’s asshole, her ass invited his cock in like it belonged in there. Without much effort Mark was able to get his cock balls deep into Amy on the first thrust and grabbing her hips and standing in a crouched position fucked her ass as though she was some kind of porn start. “Ahhhh fuck yeah!!!! I’m fucking your ass little puppy!!!! Who’s a good little fuck puppy!?”
Megan had grabbed the camera and taken over porn director duties, making sure to get perfect images of Mark’s cock pounding her ass and the pained looks on Amy’s face. His cock was pumping so hard into her their bodies were slapping together making music of their own. He would remove his cock fully to show off the gaping hole to the camera before fucking again. He even switched holes going ass, pussy, ass, pussy, and burying multiple fingers in her ass while pounding her pussy.

Amy’s body was going crazy, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed as her body was getting accustomed to and even enjoyed being abused. As he went back to fucking her ass he uses the tentacle dildo on her pussy so she was being double penetrated. The dildo seemed to just hit the right spots as she spontaneously orgasmed squirting out her pussy juices as he continued pounding her ass. He did let up on anything, and Megan took over the dildo to keep her sister in a state of ecstasy. But Mark knew his end was coming, he knew it was his last one for the night, so with everything he had left he pounded his cock harder than he’d fucked any girl in his life into Amy’s batted gaping asshole and feeling his orgasm coming he yelled, “TAKE MY CUM IN YOUR ASS LITTLE FUCK PUPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” As his balls exploded his seed into Amy’s ass, he slammed his cock into her with every squirt of cum shooting from his cock, he grabbed her shoulders to ensure he was getting as far in as possible as his cum squirted into her anal cavity which had had 8 beads stuffed inside it not long prior. As Mark orgasmed so too did Amy as her body shook and trembled overcome with ecstasy, Amy’s mind completely broken now as she starred into the void with nothing left.

Mark’s cock went soft and he pulled out of her, Megan made sure to get nice and close to see the cum dribble out of Amy’s gaping asshole. Though Megan then put her head into Amy’s crotch and sucked out the cum, making sure Mark saw her swallow the load. Amy’s bedroom reeked on sex, sweat, and cum, it had been the location of something truly magical for Mark and Megan, as they had turned Amy into their sex puppy. Mark scooped up Amy and put her in the shower, he rinsed her with Megan getting in with them as they cleaned each other off. Mark left Megan to tend to Amy while he cleaned up her room and aired it out. Megan and Amy walked in wearing matching Christmas PJ’s that we’re patterned with Christmas decorations on them. Amy had her head bowed, she couldn’t walk straight. Mark wondered what Megan would say about it but he left that to her. “How is my fucktoy, and our fuck puppy?”
To his surprise Amy responded, “I hurt everywhere, but I am your fuck puppy. You can use me however you choose. Just make me cum more!”
Megan spoke as well, “we are your fucktoys master. It doesn’t matter how we feel, only that we make you happy.”

Mark had succeeded in turning Megan and Amy, the neighbours daughters, into his own personal fucktoys.

That night Megan had indeed got pregnant when Mark shot his cum inside her, while over the course of the next few months, before the parents found out about the pregnancy, Mark had managed to get Amy pregnant as well. While both bellies swelled with the children inside Mark continued to use them hard, fucking them in their ass and push regularly. As soon as the parents caught on to both girls getting pregnant he enacted his get out plan. He was onto the plane to Thailand, while still managing to stay in contact and seemingly in control of his two little fucktoys who each gave birth to daughters.

They eventually joined him there with their as one big fucktoy family.

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