The Pussy Maker Sex Stories Cool – Y2 Stories

My husband has been trying to father a son for generations, but he only ever produces girls, and now our family is huge.

We call him Paul, The Pussy Maker, he is my husband, and we currently have over 40 girls in our family, all bred incestuously by Paul.

It started with our daughter, Cassie, even though Paul loved our daughter, he was desperate for a son, and unfortunately after giving birth to Cassie there were complications which meant I could no longer carry a child to term.

So when Cassie was 11 years old Paul asked me if he could deflower and impregnate her, in an attempt to have the son he desperately wanted.

I love my husband and to make him happy I gave him my blessing.

He deflowered Cassie on the night of her 11th birthday, and successfully managed to impregnate her on his first try.

9-months later she gave birth to a baby girl, Sandra, and I was overjoyed, but Paul was still desperate for a son.

So he continued to sleep with and impregnate Cassie, over 10 years he fathered 7 girls with Cassie, but still no boy.

When Sandra turned 12, he asked Cassie if he could deflower and impregnate her, Cassie loved her father, especially after he gave her so many daughters, and so she gave him her blessing.

Paul deflowered and impregnated Sandra on his first try, 9-months later she gave birth to a lovely baby girl, but still no son for Paul.

Paul started to deflower all the daughter he had with Cassie, eventually impregnating them all, one after another, and the babies kept on coming, but his dream of having a son was dashed once again when all of them gave birth to baby girls.

Over the years he has tried and tried, again and again, although his sperm was highly potent it seems his sperm would only produce girls, so we gave him the nickname ‘The Pussy Maker’ because that’s all he was creating, “I’ll stop when I have a son!” he promised, again and again.

He kept going, breading all the girls, some 2-3 times over, when each one came of age he would sleep with and impregnate her, we started to have so many new girls in the family that at one point he was deflowering a virgin every 8 months, which I’m sure was enjoyable for him.

He has daughters, grand-daughters, great-grand-daughters, great-great grand-daughter, great-great-great grand-daughters, its very confusing and a very long family tree.

None of us are allowed to have sex with anyone else but Paul, that is our family rule, and because there are now so many of us, with many more coming of age and about to be born, we now have a rotation where Paul sleeps with a different girl every night, rotating between us all, constantly having sex with and impregnating them, even the older ones, he will keep going until we can no longer carry children.

Despite the incestuous breeding over many generations, all the girls are healthy, and all love Paul and are supporting him in his quest for a son.

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