Two church girls raped in back of van by two black guys at state fair Sex Stories 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

Susie 13 and Britney 14 went to the state fair with pastor Greg in the church van at around 2:pm in the
afternoon and parked across the street from the fairgrounds in a makeshift parking lot, because all
the other lots are full .

For some five hours they enjoyed the fair , riding the rides and playing the games . Britney was a short
girl with blond hair and blue eyes . She had already developed soft round tits and a round ass .

Susie was a little taller than her sister Britney . She had brown hair and eyes , medium size round tits
and a well shaped pouty ass .

At 9:pm Greg , Britney and Susie were ready to go home .

As Greg opened the door to the van two black guys came around the front of the van with a knife . The first man ordered Greg and the girls to crouch down and give them all their money . After seeing the knife they complied , the second man forced them into the van . Greg begged the men to take the van
and leave them there , but the one man said , “It just don’t work that way”!!

Angry and swearing , demanding more money from the hostages . the first man drove the van on an
erratic course until he stopped by a dumpster near some apartments . He told the other guy to hurt Greg if he moved and then climbed in the backseat with Britney .

“Take off your clothes girl”!!

Britney began to undress as she was looking for a way to run off from the van . She removed her
shoes blouse and leggings .

“Hurry up girl”! the black guy said .

Britney removed her blouse and bra .

“Nice round tits , come on take off your panties and lean back on the seat girl”!!

Britney complied with the guys order , she didn’t say a word and kept her head down .

The black guy got on top of her and said , “Spread your legs apart girl”!

Then he penetrated her virgin pussy with his big black cock tearing and popping her cherry causing
her to scream in a lot of pain as she momentarily fainted while he pumped all his black seed into
her womb .

After impregnating Britney he told her to put her clothes back on while she bled from her popped
cherry .

Then he demanded more money or Susie would “get it” too , and drove off again .

Stopping a second time the first black guy told Susie to get in the back of the van and undress .

Susie only removed her blouse and dress .

When the black guy got on top of her he ripped her bra and panties , Susie began to scream .

“Shut the fuck up you white bich”!!! The black guy said , trying to put his dick inside her virgin cunt .


Susie’s cherry was popped and torn as the black guy pushed his black dick all the way into Susie’s
pussy as he had her legs up high on his shoulders and kept thrust fucking her while blood ran down
her thighs .

“NO ! OH GOD NO”!!

Susie was crying while the second black guy held a knife on Greg .

When the first black guy finished fucking Susie he asked his friend if he wanted her ! He refused .

Then the guys said that their leaving . Threating them if they did not stay in the van for at least 15 minutes , the guys left .

The danger is gone as Greg Britney and Susie began to hug each other and pray .

Suddenly the guys returned , looking for a baseball cap one of them been wearing . After finding it
the first black guy again asked his friend , “Do you want some”? This time he said yes .

So he fucked Susie first as she cried and squealed out , “OOHH”! “OOOOOHHH”! “NO I’LL GET PREGNANT”!!!!

Then he got Britney and put her legs up onto his shoulders and pounded her so hard that the van
was rocking back and fourth while she squealed ,”OOOOOHHH”!! “OOH GOD PLEASE”!! “I DON’T WANT A BLACK BABY”!! “PLEASE STOP OOOOHHH”!!!!!!!!!!

Again warning them to stay in the van the black guys left them praying for the last time .

Greg drove the crying and hysterical girls to the Milton Hospital where they were treated for rape
and giving an pregnancy test then released at 9:am the next morning !!


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