Watching my son molest a little girl Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

I couldn’t believe how wet I got watching my son with the little girl next door.

My name is Pam, I’m 36 years old, divorced single mother.

I’ll never forget the day I caught my 13-year-old son molesting the little 9-year-old girl from next door.

I had gotten off work early, because some drunk hit a power pole next to my work and knocked the power out. It was a Friday, and I thought it was a great way to start the weekend. I stopped by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some stuff for supper. When I got home, I called out to my son Brad to let him know I was there.

He didn’t reply back, so I put the groceries down on the counter and went looking for him. He spent a lot of time in his room playing video games, so that’s where I went to look for him. As I was walking down the hall, I could hear voices but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. As I got closer to his room, I heard what sounded like little Brittany from next door asking, “what’s that?”

“What’s what?” I heard Brad reply.

“What’s that lump in your pants?” Brittany asked. I stopped dead in my tracks, and slowly crept forward, listening carefully.

“Can you keep a secret?” Brad asked her.

“Yes.” Brittany replied.

“Well, that lump is my penis.” Brad replied.

“What’s a penis?” Brittany asked.

Now, my son has a mirror over his dresser, and as I got a little closer, I could see into his bedroom, without them seeing me. Brad was sitting on the edge of his bed, and Britney was standing in front of him.

“A penis is a thing boys have between their legs.” Brad explained to her. “Do you want to see it?” He offered.

“Yes.” Brittany replied.

“First you have to promise not to tell anybody I showed it to you.” Brad replied.

“Okay, I promise.” Britney said.

Brad stood up, and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants, and push them down. His little penis popped out, as hard as stone.

The look on Britney’s face was almost comical. Her eyes were a big as dinner plates, and her mouth hung open in surprise.

I stood there, watching them, waiting to see what would happen next.

“Do you want to touch it?” Brad asked her hopefully. Brittany reached out and touched it with her index finger, then quickly drew her hand back.

“No, that’s not how you touch a penis. Here let me show you.” Brad said as he reached out and took her hand in his. He pulled her hand towards his penis, then showed her how to hold it in her fist, and slowly stroke it back and forth.

As I stood there watching that 9-year-old little girl masturbate my 13 year old son, I could feel my pussy getting wet and soaking my panties. I pressed two fingers into my vagina on the outside of my pants, and it felt like I was going to cum. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was, watching my son molest that little girl.

“Am I doing it right?” Brittany asked as she slowly stroked his penis.

“Yes, you’re doing great. It feels really good.” Brad replied. I could see in the mirror that Brad’s eyes were closed, and he had a smile on his face as the little girl stroked his penis.

It wasn’t more than a few seconds later that I heard Brad starting to moan. I knew what was coming, but I doubted a little Brittany did.

“Rub it faster Brit.” Brad told her through gasping breaths. Britney’s stroking got faster, and Brad’s moaning got louder. Within a couple of seconds, a long rope of sperm shot out of Brad’s little penis, and landed square on Britney’s face.

“Oh gross, you peed on me.” Britney said, letting go of his penis.

“Oh god, don’t stop.” Brad said to the little girl, as he took his penis in his own hand and began stroking. He continued to squirt his sperm out, but by now Britney moved out of the way and his cum was landing on the carpet in front of him.

Once his orgasm was over, he let go of his penis, which remained hard and pointing up at the ceiling.

“God Brit, that felt so good. Thank you so much, you’re really really good at that.” Brad told the child.

“But you peed on me. Why did you pee on me?” Britney said as cum was dripping from her face.

“That’s not pee, it’s sperm.” Brad informed the child.

“What’s sperm?” Brittany asked him, still a little stressed out over having a load on her face.

“That’s what makes girls have babies.” Brad told her.

“You mean I’m going to have a baby?” Brittany asked, clearly freaked out.

“No, you’re way too young to have a baby. Plus, I would have to squirt it inside your vagina for you to have a baby.” Brad explained to the little girl. It was good to know my son had the basics of reproduction.

“Here, let me clean you up.” Brad told the child as he reached down and picked up a dirty t-shirt from the floor. He wiped all the sperm off of her face, and then he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Knowing that they were going to be done in a minute, I turned around and went back out to the living room, sat on the sofa and turned on the tv.

A few minutes later they came out of the room. They were both surprised to see me sitting there, but mostly Brad. I could see the concern on his face wondering if I knew what had happened or not.

“Hi Mrs Clark.” Brittany said to me.

“Hi Brittany, how are you?” I asked the little girl .

“I’m good.” She replied.

“So what were you guys doing?” I asked them. Britney started to say something, but Brad interrupted her.

“Nothing mom, we were just playing video games in my room.” He said, as he looked down at the floor, unable or unwilling to look me in the eye.

“Well, I have to go home now.” Brittany said that she headed for the door.

“Okay, tell your mom I said hi.” I told the little girl as she left.

“So, hamburgers for supper tonight?” I asked Brad.

“Sure.” He said, still not meeting my eyes. So I got up and started making supper. Then we sat down at the table to eat.

We were about halfway through our meal, when I looked at Brad and said, “so was that the first time a girl touched your penis?”

Brad froze mid bite, and just sat there staring at his plate. He clearly didn’t know what to do. He was caught, there was no doubt about that.

“Brad, I asked you a question.” I said to him.

He knew there was no use denying it. He slowly raised his head, and looked at me. I could see he was on the verge of crying.

“It’s okay honey, I understand. You’re going through puberty, and you have sexual urges. I’ll bet your penis gets hard a lot.” I said to him, smiling.

He was clearly uncomfortable with this topic, but I wasn’t going to let it drop. We were going to have the conversation.

“Well?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied.

“What made you decide to show your penis to Brittany?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” He said.

“Are you sure she’ll keep it a secret?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” He said

“You know, that’s taking a pretty big risk.” I said. “I can help you make sure she doesn’t tell anybody.”

Brad looked at me with a kind of shocked look on his face. “How?” he asked.

“Well, get her to come into your room again tomorrow. Then as soon as she starts playing with your penis, I’ll come in and catch you guys, and threatened to tell her mother.” I explained to my young son.

“Really?” He asked me in disbelief.

“Of course really. I’m your mother and I don’t want to see you get in trouble.” I replied.

I could see the tension leaving his face. His shoulders relaxed, and he seemed to realize I didn’t have a problem with it.

We finished supper, and while I was cleaning up, he went to his room to play video games. When I finished, I went into his room and we started planning the next day’s activities and how he was going to get Britney back in his room.

We decided that when Brittany came out side to play, I would leave to go to the store and Brad would invite her into the house again.

I would really be waiting down the street, and as soon as Britney went in the house, I would return home.

Around 10:00, we saw Britney come outside and get on her bicycle. She started riding her bicycle up and down the street, and that’s when I decided it was time to go to the store.

“Okay brad, I’m going to go to the store now. You go out and invite Britney into your room. Get her to touch your penis again, and then I’ll walk in and catch her doing it. Then I’ll threaten to tell her mother.” I instructed my young horny son.

I got in my car, and drove down the street and pulled over. I was watching my house, when I saw Brad come outside and call Brittany over. They talked for a couple of minutes, then Britney laid her bike down and followed Brad into the house. I waited about another 5 minutes, then turned around and drove back home.

I entered the house as quietly as I could, then crept down the hall. I got to where I could look in the door and see through the mirror that Brad had his pants down, and Britney was stroking his penis again. Just like yesterday.

I waited, watching her masturbate my son. I could feel my pussy getting wet again as I watched the little girl masturbating my young son.

“Okay Brit, do it faster now.” Brad instructed the child.

“Are you going to squirt your sperms again?” Brittany asked him.

“Uh huh.” Brad grunted, as he began to moan loudly. Brittany giggled, and kept stroking him.

Just then I walked into the bedroom and said, “Oh my God Brittany, what are you doing?”

She looked up at me, and had that deer in the headlights look. She was clearly not expecting to get caught. She didn’t remove her hand from his penis, but she did stop stroking him.

“Does your mother know what you’re doing over here Britney?” I asked a little girl.

“It’s not my fault, Brad made me do it.” she said in distress.

“That doesn’t matter. I think your mother is going to be very upset with you.” I said to the little girl.

“Please don’t tell my mother.” She begged me. I looked at Brad, and winked at him. He smiled back.

Then I noticed her hand was starting to slowly move back and forth again, I don’t even think she was conscious of the fact that she was doing it. She was still staring at me, waiting to see what I was going to do.

“Okay, I’ll tell you what. Poor Brad needs to squirt his sperm, or his penis will stay hard. If a boy’s penis stays hard too long, it will start to hurt.” I told the little girl.

“If you don’t want me to tell your mom, you’re going to have to help him squirt his sperm.” The little girl actually looked relieved, and turned back towards Brad and looked at his hard penis in her hand.

“Do you want me to keep rubbing it?” She asked me.

“Actually, there’s a better way to do it. It’s something that older girls do for boys.” I told the child.

“How?” Brittany asked me.

“Okay, if you don’t want me to tell your mom, then I’ll teach you what to do.” I told her.

“Brad, take your pants all the way off, then lay down on your bed. Brittany, get up on the bed between his legs.” I instructed the children. Brad stripped off his clothes, and laid down on the bed, his little penis sticking straight up in the air and throbbing with his heartbeat. Brittany climbed up on the bed and got on her knees between his legs.

I walked over to the side of the bed, and kneeled down. Then I reached over and took my son’s hard little penis between my thumb and finger, then put my other hand on the back of Britney’s head. I began to apply pressure on the back of Britney’s head, pushing her down towards my son’s erect penis.

“Open your mouth Britney.” I told the child as I continued to push her head towards the throbbing hard penis in my other hand.

Brittany opened her mouth, just in time for my son’s hard little penis to enter.

“Okay Brittany, be very careful of your teeth. You don’t want to scrape his penis with your teeth, because it will hurt. Now, gently suck on it.” I told the child

As soon as her mouth closed over my son’s hard penis, the look on his face was pure ecstasy.

“Okay Brittany, now move your head back and forth so his penis goes in and out of your mouth.” I instructed the child.

Brad started moaning, and gently thrusting his hips up and down, trying to fuck the little girl’s mouth.

“Brittany, when he squirts his sperm into your mouth, make sure you swallow it all. It’ll make your boobs grow bigger.” I told the little girl.

Because this was my son’s first blowjob, he came pretty fast. He started to grunt, while thrusting his hips up and down faster. Brittany groaned, and started swallowing. I could hear her gulping.

“Don’t stop sucking his penis until he’s all finished squirting in your mouth.” I told the child.

She must have liked the taste of cum, because she continued to Bob her head up and down on my son’s penis, until he finally had to push her head away saying it’s starting to tickle.

Brittany reluctantly let his penis slip from her mouth, and sat up. She looked at me with a big smile on her face and said “I like the taste of his sperms.”

“It does taste good huh?” I asked a little girl. She just licked her lips and said “mmm hmm.”

Then I got up and started to leave the room. “Well you guys go ahead and play your video games, or whatever you want to do. I’m going to go watch my show.” I said, leaving the bedroom and the two children alone.

I went out to the living room, and turned on the tv. After about 20 minutes, the children still had not come out of Brad’s room, so I went down the hallway to see what they were doing. Brittany was sucking Brad’s penis again. I stood there watching, and pushed my hand down the front of my pants and began to masturbate. I had never been this turned on in my entire life. In fact, I had an orgasm within the first 30 seconds of touching my pussy. Cumming while you’re standing up, is not an easy thing to do.

That’s when I decided the best way to enjoy watching my son have sex with other children, would be to set up cameras in his room. That way, I could watch what he did to these children in the comfort of my bed.

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