Smoking can be fun part 2 Sex Stories for free 2024 – Y2-Stories

Meeting the girls for a smoke and a kiss

The next day I finish work at 5pm the wife picks me up and we drive home she heads for the shower i make something to eat as she is going to her second job i have training that night, so I get my shorts on and a t-shirt and pack my sports bag with a change of clothes jump in the car with the wife drop her off at work head to the shop to by a couple of packs of cigarettes and a few cans of beer then off to meet the girls if they show up,
7pm I’m sat in the car waiting for them thinking there not coming my heart is racing and my cock is so fucking hard if they don’t show up at least the wife will be up for a fuck. And i will always drink the beer and smoke the cigarettes, i was just going to go when i see three girls walking towards the car i Recognise two of them but there is a younger girl walking just behind them they seemed to be arguing. They stop by the car mouthy girl says Rachael isn’t coming her mum won’t let her out tonight, okay so who is the other girl, i say to her, oh thats my little sister she won’t leave us alone she over heard us talking about tonight and she said she will tell mum if she doesn’t come with us, okay by me, she can come along, really mouthy girl says, yes but if she tells we are all going to be in trouble, are you sure she will not breath a word to anyone. Kate says let me just have a quick word with her. two minutes later kate and her little sister are back, jump in girls, they all get in the car, mouthy girl in the front with me and her sister behind her and her friend behind me, right girls my name is Ian what are your names, mouthy girl says her name is Kate and her sister is May and her friend is Lyn, I say right girls i not going to fuck any of you tonight but i will give you a packet of cigarettes but i do want i kiss and a cuddle from you Kate and Lyn okay they both look at each other and smile and say yes cool, i turn to look at May she is cute a little bit chubby with a proper long face on her, i say sorry May but your much to young, she says I’m eleven in two months okay i said have you ever kissed a boy yes she says i have kissed my dad and my uncle, we all laugh, i hand Kate the packet of smokes she opens them and passes one to Lyn and me and one for herself May says i want one so Kate passes her one and looks at me and rolls her eyes, i say should we go for a drive to the beech i get a yes from them all, i drive to a Secluded spot where i can see if anyone is coming, I get the cans from the back and pass them out i said to May i suppose you want a beer as well do you, yes she said, after a few sips and a smoke i say okay who is going to sit on my knee and give me a kiss first Lyn or Kate, it had to be mouthy Kate who shouted yes first, i said to May and Lynn why don’t you two have a walk for ten minutes and keep a look out, they get out to keep watch, i get in the passenger seat and Kate gets on my knee, i lift her up so she is straddling me, my cock is getting harder by the minute, it’s never been so hard, I sit her down on my cock and asked her to tell me if she liked fucking her boyfriend, she told me she loved it but it didn’t last very long and she had to rub with her pussy when she got home she says, have you ever sucked a cock no she says, do you masturbate often i ask, every day she says as I’m asking her my hands are on her hips very gently and slowly I’m moving her backwards and forwards against my now very hard cock she is still wearing her school uniform, fuck she looks hot, her legs are bear and tanned she has long blonde hair her tits are just little bumps starting to grow, as i kiss her, her tongue is in my mouth flicking in and out, she is moving about on my cock now all by herself grinding harder her breath is getting heavier, my hands are on her ass under her school skirt caressing her firm little ass just as my fingers are trying to get in her knickers May and Lynn arrive back, so Kate gives me a big wet kiss on the lips and jumps out, i shout Lyn your turn, she blushes and comes over to get in, she sits on my lap, I tell her to sit on me with her legs either side of me, i ask her if she has a boyfriend she says yes, are you a virgin yes she replied have you touched a hard cock, yes she replied i have wanked my boyfriend cock till he came, has he touched your pussy no she says he hasn’t yet, she looked abit disappointed i smile and kiss her softly on the lips, i ask her do you masturbate she looks down and shyly nods, i smile and kiss her neck, nice i say, do you like rubbing your pussy, oh i love rubbing my pussy i do it all the time I’m always horny, I tell her your a normal sexy horny girl then why are you hear sat on my hard cock when you have a boyfriend, well she says because I like the look of you and I’m horny I was touching my pussy all afternoon thinking about getting fucked my you, i kiss her she responds by locking her sweet lips on me and rubbing her young horny pussy on my hard cock i have one hand on her sexy bum and the other on her breast I could feel her nipple getting hard, she reaches down and she reaches in my shorts and grabs my hard cock her hand moves up and down, i was in heaven my hand leaves her cute bum and moves under her school skirt up to her little knickers I’m rubbing her bum and pussy from behind, suddenly Kate and Lynn are knocking on the window, shit i was enjoying her, Lyn jumps out pulling her skirt down, May Immediately jumps on my lap and closes the door, kiss me she says, i ask her have you kiss a boy before yes i told you I have kissed my dad and uncle i tell her thats not the same as kissing a boy, she leans in and kisses me, she was not a beginner at kissing, my cock is still sticking out of my shorts, her hand is straight in my pants, she is stroking my cock from tip down to my balls she must have done it before, i ask her are you a virgin yes she says have you touched a hard cock before yes she says, who’s cock have you touched well she says I’m touching your cock now she smiles, who else have you touched well i have touched my dads and my uncle, nice i say, do you masturbate i ask, no she says but when my dad baths me and my uncle watches dad always washes my pussy and it feels really nice, do you even have any hairs on your little pussy, no she says not yet but my uncle says boys don’t like hairy pussys so he said he will shave me whenever i need it, you do have a nice family i tell her, May says do you want to see my little pussy , oh yes i really want to see your pussy she leans back lifts her dress and pulls down her knickers to reveal a perfect smooth pussy thats open and i can see a few drop of juice on her little pussy lips my hands are on her hips, my cock is like a flag pole sticking straight up, kate suddenly opens the door her eyes are looking from my cock to her little sisters pussy then back to my cock she leans down and kisses the tip of my cock as she stands up i can see my pre cum on her lips, we need to go home now we don’t want to be grounded, they climb in the car, I pull my shorts up my cock tenting them and i take them home, do you girls fancy doing this next week, they all say yes please, only if you promise not to tell anyone about tonight i don’t want to get in trouble i tell them
I will see more of you young girls next week same day and time, I have a surprise for you girls

Part 3 to follow

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